
In compliance with Legislative Decree 10 March 2023, No. 24 (the so-called “Whistleblowing Decree”) Pardgroup S.p.A. has implemented a reporting system that allows the management of reports, including anonymous ones, as provided in the aforementioned Decree.

The process is in line with the regulatory changes introduced by the Whistleblowing Decree, which implements (EU) Directive 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2019 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law and laying down provisions for the protection of persons who report violations of national law.

Whistleblowing refers to reporting as an expression of civic duty that helps uncover and prevent situations that undermine good administration or the public interest. Only work-related violations, i.e., behaviour, acts, and omissions that harm the public interest or the company’s integrity, can be reported.

Whistleblowing does not concern personal complaints or claims relating to employment, working relationships, or relationships with hierarchical superiors or colleagues.

Pardgroup S.p.A. has adopted a dedicated IT platform for sending and managing reports, the preferred channel for sending reports.

When a report is registered on this portal, a unique identification code (key code) is displayed. This opens a confidential dialogue between the whistleblower and our organisation to keep them informed of the report’s progress.

It is recommended that the report not be disclosed and that the unique identification code be kept safe, as it cannot be recovered or duplicated if lost.

All processing of personal data is carried out in compliance with the legislation on the protection of personal data. For more information, see the procedure and the privacy policies at the following links:

If you want to proceed with a report, click the button below.